
May 2016 Club Meeting Recap

201605 5There is no New information on the  FAA front.   Chuck talked to the tower, and they said that they did receive 2 calls from pilots asking permission to fly.  The Tower cannot tell them they cannot fly, they can only advise them.   The tower advised them that they were too close and should not fly there.   Chuck asked the tower to forward them to the PVMAC, and we will encourage them to join the club.

Steve Gamble has Stepped down from the board.  The Club would like to thank Steve not only for for his help and support as a board member for the last 2.5 years, but also  for his help and contuned support over the years.  As long as I’ve been a member, Steve has alwasy been there lending a hand at the club events by manning the grill, setting up or tearing down and assisting at club meetings.

 John Maxwell was coerced asked  by the board to Join the board in his place, and John Accepted, thank you John for stepping up.

Jim Stout, another board member is moving to Texas in the next month.  He is employed with Toyota, which is moving from Irvine to Plano Texas.

We currently have 345 members, we received 2 new members  that were kids, 16 and under which is great.

The Barbwire fence is going to be fixed in lieu of fixing the potholes in the road.  The Road will eventually be fixed, but the fence is the priority at the moment.  

Cal state Fullerton is coming down to the club to fly their experimental airplane on May 11th.   The Professor is a member of the AMA and FAA.  

Chuck will be meeting with Chino PD this week to discuss some riot control training that they want to do on the property with CS gas.

Board member Larry Marsh was hit with Ugly Stick….  Ted Novak’s Plane , the Ugly stick crash landed in the pits 2 feet away from Larry,  hit His table, which took the wings off, and stopped short of the truck buy just a couple feet.

3 minutes later…  Steve Berman almost crashed his plane into Larry also,  missed him by just a few feet.     Larry said to never turn your back to the runway, and keep your eyes and ears open,  you never know what might come your way.  

201605 8George Pollards brought in his Top Flight   Piper Arrow II,   They had 2 versions, one with a stabilator and one with a T Tail. The tail control is all internal and very challenging to build.    The landing gear are scale for that specific kit made by Robart.  He added the cockpit kit, with carpet, upholstery, gauges and throttle.   It has an 81” wingspan.  It was planked and glassed by Steve Berman. It weighs 18 lbs, it has 9 servos on a JR system.   It doesn’t come with lighting, so that was added. It has a Saito 91 4 stroke which sounded underpowered to some, but George said this design flies off the wing, so never over power it and it will fly very scale.

Mark Hibbert brought in a Global ARF Sky raider that he is doing a complete remodeling of-, that is he removed the film, added retracts, then added more details with exhaust pipes, Magnum 70.  He flared the tail to be more scale using with floral foam and lightweight spackle.  He also added missiles and bombs, with styrene. He relocated the tail wheel.  Added air deflectors, radio gear, and he still adding more details.  It weighs 6.5 lbs.  He will cover it in coverite, lightweight primer and a camo water based paint, with a polyurethane finish.  He has 6 months of building to do before it’s done.  

201605 2
Spad with a full ordinance package

The following won some cash…
George Pollard Won $50
Larry Marsh won $15
Greg Stockdale $15
Jim Stout Won $25
Jim Silver won $25
Larry Rain Won $25
Charles Snear won $75
Tom Marcure won $15
Joe Aguino won $25
John Rossen won $15

The Additional exhaust and fins added to the Spad


201605 3
In the Piper Arrow II, adding a cockpit detail kit can make wiring a bit cramped.


201605 1
Inside details the Piper Arrow II

Chino, CA
5:51 am8:02 pm PDT
Feels like: 73°F
Wind: 7mph W
Humidity: 61%
Pressure: 29.95"Hg
UV index: 0
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